This sounds rediculous even to me and I'm the one asking it... can ckFinder be used to simple select a file using the popup method as a way to populate a form field for database storage?
I don't need the image in the db just the path from /$baseURL/fileName.ext to be stored i nthe DB.
I have implemented the popup but selecting an image from the finder doesn't close the finder and/or add the file name to the forms text field. - should this be possible?
I don't need the image in the db just the path from /$baseURL/fileName.ext to be stored i nthe DB.
I have implemented the popup but selecting an image from the finder doesn't close the finder and/or add the file name to the forms text field. - should this be possible?
Re: using ckfinder to pick file for form field
Do you mean like the "Enhancing HTML forms" example?
Look also at your _samples folder