I have been trying to set startuppath but its not working. Also it always remembers last folder eventhough it is set to false.
below is the code. Please guide me if i am missing anything.
Folder structure is fine. Images/Archive/Test and it is uploading fine when I specify
I will appreciate your help.
Thank you,
I have been trying to set startuppath but its not working. Also it always remembers last folder eventhough it is set to false.
below is the code. Please guide me if i am missing anything.
var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'CKEditor1',{ filebrowserBrowseUrl : '/ckfinder/ckfinder.html', filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : '/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?type=Images', filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl : '/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?type=Flash', filebrowserUploadUrl : '/ckfinder/core/connector/asp/connector.asp?command=QuickUpload&type=Files¤tFolder=/Archive/Test/', filebrowserImageUploadUrl : '/ckfinder/core/connector/asp/connector.asp?command=QuickUpload&type=Images¤tFolder=/Archive/Test/', filebrowserFlashUploadUrl : '/ckfinder/core/connector/asp/connector.asp?command=QuickUpload&type=Flash' }); CKFinder.setupCKEditor(editor, '/ckfinder/'); CKFinder.config.startupPath = "Images:/Archive/Test/"; CKFinder.config.startupFolderExpanded = true; CKFinder.config.rememberLastFolder = false;
Folder structure is fine. Images/Archive/Test and it is uploading fine when I specify
currentfolder =/Archive/Test
I will appreciate your help.
Thank you,
Re: startupPath and rememberLastFolder not working
and pass in the id parameter whatever you want to use at the config.asp to modify the baseUrl and basePath based on request("id")
Re: startupPath and rememberLastFolder not working
This is working fine. but as per my requirement I need to specify upload folder path too.
so i was specifying currentfolder path in this
how can i specify currentfolder in this code now ?
"pass in the id parameter whatever you want to use at the config.asp to modify the baseUrl and basePath based on request("id")"
i tried like
i passed id="/Archive/Test/" in place of 123
baseURL = request("id") in config.asp
its not working
may be i am wrong here ..so can you please help me here?
Re: startupPath and rememberLastFolder not working
and I upload an image from the image dialog it goes directly to the Archive/Test folder.
I can get the id parameter in the config.asp but it doesn't make sense to use it to set the basePath (and as I already told you that's a huge security risk. Anyone else reading this: don't do it). You are passing the same path as the currentFolder and as the baseFolder. so your files would end up in a location like /Archive/Test/images/Archive/Test/
Take a break, start step by step and watch how the requests are sent and that they include the parameters that you expect, then read them on the config.asp and create sensible paths.
Re: startupPath and rememberLastFolder not working
Lets just forget whatever i aked you before.
Let me just explain my situation here. I am new to this control and I am still learning.
I have started step by step now.
This is my code.
CKFinder.setupCKEditor( editor, { basePath : '/ckfinder/', id:'123', startupPath : "Images:/Archive/Test/", startupFolderExpanded : true, rememberLastFolder : false } ) ;
As i said earlier this is working absolutely fine.
Now looking at this code it integrates CKFinder with CKEditor, sets up startupPath /Archive/Test/ and I can browse images in that folder when I click browse server button.I totally understand it.
My question is just how to set upload path now? so that if I upload an image from the image dialog it goes directly to the /Archive/Test folder.
I just need help with this problem. I don't want to do anything else other than this.
I hope this makes sense to you.
Re: startupPath and rememberLastFolder not working
Of course, now you have to correct the Browse urls, you can copy the values generated by the CKFinder.setupCKEditor for those urls (they're in the url bar when you launch CKFinder)
Re: startupPath and rememberLastFolder not working
CKEDITOR.replace( textAreaId,
width : width,
height : height,
filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : '/CKFinderJava/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?start=Images:'+varStartupDir+'&type=Images&id='+textAreaId+'Editor',
filebrowserBrowseUrl : '/CKFinderJava/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?start=Files:'+varStartupDir+'&type=Files&id='+textAreaId+'Editor'
for startup folder send the queryString as "start=..."