I am using MAMP as my local test development environment. and working in several projects at a time.
For that I make subfolders in the htdocs folder.
eg. htdocs/project1 and htdocs/project2
In each project folder there are files and directories including ckeditor,ckfinder and assets
I also have a folder called called inc. with a file called configfile.inc. (path htdocs/project1/inc/configfile.inc) same for project2
In that file a global is defined i use in the whole project called LOCAL_FOLDER = 'project1'
Now i want to use that global in the config.php file of ckfinder. as following.
include_once '../inc/configfile.inc';
So i can define the $baseUrl as following :
$baseUrl : LOCAL_FOLDER.'/assets/';
But the finder throws an error "include_once failed to open stream no such file if directory... etc."
I tried several other paths like '../../inc ' etc but same result.
If i copy the configfile.inc to the ckfinder dir and do
include_once 'configfile.inc';
It works!! but for some bizar reason using relative paths with ../ does not work.
What could be the reason? How could i setup my ckFinder for several testprojects using on every finder a seperate ckFinder installation?