I´m looking for help to integrate CKFinder to CKEditor.
I can go to 'Images' and can see the 'Upload' Button and can see 'Browse Server'.
Both does not work:
1. Browse Server brings me to someting called 'Basket', but can´t see my images.
2. Upload stops with Error: "Ihre Anfrage konnte wegen Authorisierungseinschränkungen nicht durchgeführt werden." Means in english something like: "your request could not be handled because of authentication restrictions."
I setup the config.php as I understand:
<?php function CheckAuthentication() { return true; } $config['LicenseName'] = ''; $config['LicenseKey'] = ''; error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $baseUrl = 'http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.de/_pics/_content/'; $baseDir = 'd:/www/www4/_pics/_content/'; $config['Thumbnails'] = Array( 'url' => $baseUrl . '_thumbs', 'directory' => $baseDir . '_thumbs', 'enabled' => true, 'directAccess' => false, 'maxWidth' => 100, 'maxHeight' => 100, 'bmpSupported' => false, 'quality' => 80); $config['Images'] = Array( 'maxWidth' => 1600, 'maxHeight' => 1200, 'quality' => 80); $config['RoleSessionVar'] = 'CKFinder_UserRole'; //session_start(); $config['AccessControl'][] = Array( 'role' => '*', 'resourceType' => '*', 'folder' => '/_pics/_content/', 'folderView' => true, 'folderCreate' => true, 'folderRename' => true, 'folderDelete' => true, 'fileView' => true, 'fileUpload' => true, 'fileRename' => true, 'fileDelete' => true); $config['DefaultResourceTypes'] = ''; $config['ResourceType'][] = Array( 'name' => 'Images', 'url' => $baseUrl, 'directory' => $baseDir, 'maxSize' => 0, 'allowedExtensions' => 'bmp,gif,jpeg,jpg,png', 'deniedExtensions' => ''); $config['CheckDoubleExtension'] = false; $config['FilesystemEncoding'] = 'UTF-8'; $config['SecureImageUploads'] = false; $config['CheckSizeAfterScaling'] = false; $config['HtmlExtensions'] = array('html', 'htm', 'xml', 'js'); $config['HideFolders'] = Array(".svn", "CVS"); $config['ChmodFiles'] = 0777 ; $config['ChmodFolders'] = 0755 ; $config['ForceAscii'] = false; include_once "plugins/imageresize/plugin.php"; include_once "plugins/fileeditor/plugin.php"; $config['plugin_imageresize']['smallThumb'] = '90x90'; $config['plugin_imageresize']['mediumThumb'] = '120x120'; $config['plugin_imageresize']['largeThumb'] = '180x180';
Re: cannot upload neither browse
and last but not least, some resource type definitions, e.g.
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
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Re: cannot upload neither browse
thanx Wiktor, this:
brings it up. Don´t know why to add this, because I don´t want to give users rights to the root.
The documentation doesn´t say something like this, only to give rights to folder which holds your data...
Doesn´t matter, thank you very much.