I've uploaded ckeditor - works fine
trying to get ckfinder to work (firstly) standalone using ASP and keep getting
"Unable to create root folder"
I'm trying to place everything in the /includes/ckfinder/ folder & default userfiles location. Once that's working, maybe I can actually put the files where I want them?
Then I can hopefully integrate with ckeditor, but frustrated at the moment
trying to get ckfinder to work (firstly) standalone using ASP and keep getting
"Unable to create root folder"
I'm trying to place everything in the /includes/ckfinder/ folder & default userfiles location. Once that's working, maybe I can actually put the files where I want them?
Then I can hopefully integrate with ckeditor, but frustrated at the moment
Re: Unable to create root folder
The problem might be that you are setting a wrong path or more probably, that the folder doesn't have the correct permissions.
Please, use this script as it will help you to check what's wrong with your setup: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=13604
Re: Unable to create root folder
Did you managed to fix the problem using the wizard?