I am using CKEditor and would like to test the CKFinder integration.
First the CKEditor works fine, I am having some issues integrating the CKFinder.
I have the following code:
CKEDITOR.replace( 'test', { toolbar : [ ['NewPage','Preview'], ['Cut','Copy','Paste','-','Scayt'], ['Undo','Redo','-','SelectAll','RemoveFormat'], ['Styles','Format'], ['Bold','Italic','Strike'], ['NumberedList','BulletedList','Blockquote'], ['Link','Unlink'], ] }); CKFinder.SetupCKEditor( null, 'http://www.devserver.com/project/Public/javascript/ckfinder/' ) ;
Re: URL paths problem
Re: URL paths problem
Thanks, That does work. But why won't it recognize the http:// at the start of the link I provide and if there is a http/https at the start of the link to use that full link provided instead?
Re: URL paths problem
You can't use CKFinder from another domain (the browser anti-XSS checks won't allow that) so that wasn't a tested situation, it's easier to use an url without the domain than putting it in.
Re: URL paths problem
having exactly the same problem while working with django. Since my Media - like e.g. Javascript is delivered through a different server I tried to get around your "bug" by allowing my projects urls.py to redirect calls to /ckfinder/* to my static Fileserver.
(Needless to mention that a good portion of apache tweaking would be needed to make static files deployment available within a django/python environment since each and any request is delivered through django's urls.py. This makes it nearly impossible to get javascript files to work without breaking most of django's (and web developers, e.g. cdn requirements...) rules for production environments)
Still need to tweak around with the authorization, maybe by simply sending refferer or something like this...
What is really annoying is that e.g. Safari deals well with ckfinder in this - rather unusual setup but firefox still wont work. No Directories nor upload facilities are shown. Can't figure out what the problem might be. Regarding to firebug and safari webdeveloper tools the corresponding iframes are not loaded in firefox.
It would be very kind if someone might find a workaround for putting ckfinder on another url/server. In production environments static files shouldn't reside on the same machine that runs dynamic contents. This I would suggest is also one of the safest ways - since the static machine wouldn't contain anything meaningfull to hackers.
Re: URL paths problem
The browsers won't allow to use CKFinder in a different host that the one where the rest of your scripts run. What you can do is configure CKFinder to return a different host name in the url path of files, as long as you have physical access to that server: saving and doing all the file operations through a network path.
You just need to configure properly $baseUrl and $baseDir. For example
Re: URL paths problem
Well - this is exactly what i already did (and what didn't work in firefox opposite to safari which behaves well)
$baseUrl = 'http://static_domain.com/path_to_static_files/js/ckfinder/userfiles/'
$baseDir = '/absolute_path_to_static_files/js/ckfinder/userfiles/'
At least Browser issues shouldn't be the reason here since CKEditor works fine - what it imho shouldn't if there was a matter of xss violation serving the editor/filebrowser from another server. (The CKEditor Iframe is serverd perfectly)
I know that this issue might be perfectly nonsense to most common users - but for professional use it's really important for the reasons described before. I wouldn't want any js wysiwyg editor or js filebrowser to be run on the same machine running sql and python...
Re: URL paths problem
The use of "js/ckfinder" in your settings looks strange if you want to use a different server, and the fact that it works in Safari but not Firefox without providing any error or detail about what's the problem makes it almost impossible to help you.
I would suggest you to open a new thread, post there all the details in order to reproduce your environment and any errors that you get.