I am trying to create a plugin that implements the option to set permissions on a folder. This is done by adding a tool panel and open a iframe to an aspx file that handles the permissions for this folder.
I am however unable to figure out how to add an event in my plugin that catches when a new folder is selected in the folder tree.
I am however unable to figure out how to add an event in my plugin that catches when a new folder is selected in the folder tree.
CKFinder.addPlugin('myplugin', { connectorInitialized: function (api, xml) { //alert('connectorInitialized'); var folder = api.getSelectedFolder(); if (folder) { var toolId = api.addTool('<iframe src="/permissions.aspx?folder=' + folder + '" width="100%" />'); api.showTool(toolId); } }, appReady: function (api) { //alert('appReady'); }, uiReady: function (api) { //alert('uiReady'); } });
Re: Plugin detecing folder changes
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
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