Ckfinder I want to use ftp. files shared by users at this address http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/6019 prdatur. I have integrated all the files CkFinder. I'm having problems and it pointed out, however tickets but did not respond.
The output of the error: Can not create a file when that file already exists.
Warning: ftp_mkdir () [function.ftp-mkdir]: httpdocs / ckfinder / userfiles / files \: Can not create a file when that file already exists. in C: \ Inetpub \ vhosts \ smyrnart.com \ httpdocs \ ckfinder \ core \ connector \
Does not make sense to me. I guess a problem with encoding. Because there is no folder is the folder before the ftp connection exists and that the folder be created later, he says. If you have a folder should not do transaction.
very important issue for me, please help.
English is not too much better. I apologize for it.
Fri, 05/06/2011 - 15:27