Is there anyway to stop the HTML5 uploader even starting to upload file that is too large? This used to be possible with the flash uploader but now I can upload a large file, beyond the 2mb set in the config.ascx file and the web.config settings. The error gets handled properly and the user is told their file is too big but only after they've waited for it to upload.
Just want it to not be uploaded in the first place if it is too big. Any ideas how to set that in Javascript HTML5 with CKFinder 2.2.1?
Is this about uploading
Is this about uploading images? If so, it might be that an original (bigger) file will be uploaded since after scaling it will no longer exceed the size restrictions.
What is your ChecksizeAfterScaling option in config.aspx set to?
// Indicates that the file size (MaxSize) for images must be checked only
// after scaling them. Otherwise, it is checked right after uploading.
CheckSizeAfterScaling = true;
Documentation Manager, CKSource
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