Hello -
In integrating CKFinder with FCKEditor, I came across a problem where when you try to use the Quick Upload feature for a link, nothing happens. For example, launch the link dialog in FCKEditor, choose "Upload" tab, click "Browse" to choose a file, then click "Send to server." I tracked this down to what I believe is a missing querystring parameter "type". The quickupload feature works for images and this configuration setting contains the querystring parameter "type".
Am I correct in my diagnosis and is there a reason why this parameter was not included for link uploads? Possibly I am missing some other setting? I read in a previous post back in 11/2007 that QuickUpload would be included natively in a future release, just not sure if that has occured yet or not.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
In integrating CKFinder with FCKEditor, I came across a problem where when you try to use the Quick Upload feature for a link, nothing happens. For example, launch the link dialog in FCKEditor, choose "Upload" tab, click "Browse" to choose a file, then click "Send to server." I tracked this down to what I believe is a missing querystring parameter "type". The quickupload feature works for images and this configuration setting contains the querystring parameter "type".
Am I correct in my diagnosis and is there a reason why this parameter was not included for link uploads? Possibly I am missing some other setting? I read in a previous post back in 11/2007 that QuickUpload would be included natively in a future release, just not sure if that has occured yet or not.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Re: LinkUpload QuickUpload does not work
Hello, could you describe how did you integrate CKFinder with FCKeditor?
Anyway, you're right - there must be a "type" parameter also for "link uploads", an example can be found here:
http://docs.fckeditor.net/CKFinder/Deve ... ntegration
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
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