I am trying to resize an image and I get a system error, below.
I am using AspThumb which I guess doesn't have the getimagesize method. Is there something I can do about this?
Cheers, Michael
It was not possible to properly load the XML response from the web server.
Raw response from the server:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'ImageHandler.getImageSize'
/ckfinder/core/connector/asp/utils/Image.asp, line 163
I am trying to resize an image and I get a system error, below.
I am using AspThumb which I guess doesn't have the getimagesize method. Is there something I can do about this?
Cheers, Michael
It was not possible to properly load the XML response from the web server.
Raw response from the server:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'ImageHandler.getImageSize'
/ckfinder/core/connector/asp/utils/Image.asp, line 163
Re: ImageHandler.getImageSize fails with briz.AspThumb -
I'll try to fix that, but don't expect anything before the weekend
Re: ImageHandler.getImageSize fails with briz.AspThumb -
For the moment I've noticed that this isn't really a good option: the only format that it generates is jpeg, so even if you see a file with .png or .gif extension, it's really a .jpg
and requesting a thumbnail that should be 100x70, I got 101x70 instead.
Re: ImageHandler.getImageSize fails with briz.AspThumb -
I know I'm a pain being stuck in classic mode, thanks for your help. I don't know if it helps but I've used the following elsewhere. Maybe I can just update one of your asp pages to do this instead of using the Asptyhumb utility for that bit. Or if you can do it and send me the replacement file.
sub imagesize(img)
dim myImg, fs
Set fs= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if not fs.fileExists(img) then exit sub
set myImg = loadpicture(img)
iWidth = round(myImg.width / 26.4583)
iHeight = round(myImg.height / 26.4583)
set myImg = nothing
end sub
Re: ImageHandler.getImageSize fails with briz.AspThumb -
I've written the code for getImageSize, but as I said now I have to review the rest of components and review that any other feature is also correct (I saw a pending fixme in the file).
Re: ImageHandler.getImageSize fails with briz.AspThumb -
I understand, I've been using AspThumb for quite some time and it's been fine for me to date. If you can do something to work around the getImageSize problem I'd be most grateful as I have a large number of sites using AspThumb and I've purchased the developer licensing with a view to rolling out the new version of ckeditor & ckfinder to those sites.
BTW, I had a look at the example of the V4 beta. The real time editing is awesome. Having just purchased the licensing will I be able to use that version? When will it be released? I'll wait for that before rolling V3 out to my sites if it's not far off.
Re: ImageHandler.getImageSize fails with briz.AspThumb -
On the other side these are some of the problems that I've found with AspThumb:
Other components also suffer from a number of problems, so this needs some thought, but I don't discard to drop support for the buggiest ones in the future.
The recommended option in CKFinder is to use the Asp.net option, you don't have to change anything in your pages, just verify that it's correctly installed, adjust the temp folder paths and usually that's enough and in any case the helper script is able to find out the problems to make it work.
Anyway, here's the updated file, replace the existing /ckfinder/core/connector/asp/utils/image.asp and it should fix your problem. Image.zip
Re: ImageHandler.getImageSize fails with briz.AspThumb -
I purchased AspThumb many years ago.
I'll investigate the .net option in a while once things quieten down a bit for me.
Cheers, michael