In IE9 the basic uploader does not give you any indicators that it is actually doing anything.
It seems like in IE9 the uploading working some times and not others. File size does not matter. Sometimes I have to click upload and other times I just need to choose a file and then wait for a long time.
other times it just doesn't refresh. so if I do a folder refrsh the file I uploaded will just show up, sometimes more than once as if it started uploading when I chose the file and did anoher upload when I click 'upload'
Is this a bug? Is there suppose to be some indicator to say it is working?
It seems like in IE9 the uploading working some times and not others. File size does not matter. Sometimes I have to click upload and other times I just need to choose a file and then wait for a long time.
other times it just doesn't refresh. so if I do a folder refrsh the file I uploaded will just show up, sometimes more than once as if it started uploading when I chose the file and did anoher upload when I click 'upload'
Is this a bug? Is there suppose to be some indicator to say it is working?
Re: IE9 uploading issues
There are no reasonable solutions for IE9, apart from changing the browser
Unlike Chrome or Firefox, or even IE10, it does not support HTML file uploads, so you have two options: the basic file uploader, or install flash to be able to use the flash uploader.
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource -
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