At first, thank you for the very good service proposed by fck !
Can you say to me if it's possible, with CKFinder, to hide some files ? For exemple the ".htaccess" and other files.
I know we can hide folders with the AccessControl in config.php, but is it possible for some files in a "public folder" ?
Thanks for helping me,
PS : I hope you can hunderstand my bad english (I'm french...)
At first, thank you for the very good service proposed by fck !
Can you say to me if it's possible, with CKFinder, to hide some files ? For exemple the ".htaccess" and other files.
I know we can hide folders with the AccessControl in config.php, but is it possible for some files in a "public folder" ?
Thanks for helping me,
PS : I hope you can hunderstand my bad english (I'm french...)
Re: Hide some files
I have found the answer here :
So when do you think this option could be possible ?
Another question :
How can I define a default type with the use of ckfinder in standalone mode inside any page ?
(with fckeditor, it's define with "type=Images" in FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL = '/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?type=Images'
Re: Hide some files
In PHP version, first defined resource type:
is displayed when CKFinder starts (Files by default).
To change it to Images, in the current version you must move it to the top (before Files), e.g.:
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
Follow CKEditor on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+
Re: Hide some files
Re: Hide some files
I also wouldn't call this "hiding"
We don't plan such functionality yet, but everything can change.
Just curious - would you be able to filter list of sent files if you were allowed to modify the list of sent files by creating your own filtering script (on the server side)?
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
Follow CKEditor on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+
Re: Hide some files
Re: Hide some files
I'm just wondering how we can make CKFinder extensible so that if anyone wanted to add new functionality, he could do it.
In your situation: there is a list of allowed/denied extensions, but you would like to have a list of denied files.
This is how it works now:
1. User clicks on a folder -> AJAX request is sent
2. Script reads config file and send response with filtered list of files
What I'm thinkig of is:
1. User clicks on a folder -> AJAX request is sent
2. Script reads config file and prepare response with filtered list of files
3. If user registered it's own function to filter results, it's being processed
4. response is sent back
So my question is: if it was possible to do it, would you write your own function to modify the behaviour of CKFinder?
I'm just interested in your opinion
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
Follow CKEditor on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+
Re: Hide some files
Yes I could. It could be a good solution.
Re: Hide some folders