I am trying to use ckeditor and ckfinder on a persoanl project to see if its a viable tool for some other potentially commercial projects.
I use my own upload setup (I have used this for years and feel very comfortable using this method of file uploading), but I like the WYSIWYG the CK offers and would like to use the CKfinder too but have an issue...
"Folder not found. Please refresh and try again."
When i spawn the file browser I get an error stating that the folder is not found... where can I fix this to access the images folder that I want...
i.e. http://www.sitenamehere.com/images/
I have read the documentation and look through the code (I am pretty handy with PHP so i know what to look for)
Thanks in advance..
Fri, 05/28/2010 - 12:47
Re: Folder not found issues
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
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Re: Folder not found issues
Re: Folder not found issues
Righto, i have a licence now... and I am still getiing issues... can you confirm what the $base elelments are...
If I am right to think these apply to the directory location of the folder that I wish to browse... correct?
And i cannot do that... so I am stumped and monies down now... marginally upset but its more that likely something that I am doing completely wrong...
Oh I am using plesk... would that cause any issues...
edit: downloaded latest CKfinder software and still not working as it should... I think I need to get someone with an english explanation of what the hell I am doing wrong...
$baseUrl = 'http://www.mydomain.com/images/'; is this correct as the $baseUrl for the location that the images are kept on the server?
$baseDir = '/var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/httpdocs/images/'; this is the physical path to that location... is this correct... im going to have a play with this removing levels of physicality(?)
also all I get withg the new version of CKfinder is the Empty folder comment in the GUI...
Is there a PHP file available for doinf a rational check on the virtual and physical locations to check them to be correct?
Help please, this is doing my bean in...
Re: Folder not found issues
Re: Folder not found issues
How did you solve this one? I posted a similare issue here:http://cksource.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=19581&start=0. Thanks