I would like to change the location of where the images reside currently, we are using the FCKEditor and overriding the loction of where the images upload from a locale directory to an Amazon s3 account which we use for as the root for edge serving.
In the CKFinder where do I get the a chance to intercept the location of the thumbnails preview and redirect to the Amazon S3 location. I also want to catch it an upload to the S3 location plus be able to isolate our cients to see only directories based on the their client id. Is it possible?
My preference is to not have the images land on our servers. They need to go directoly to the S3
I was able to do this using the FCKeditor v2.5.1
In the CKFinder where do I get the a chance to intercept the location of the thumbnails preview and redirect to the Amazon S3 location. I also want to catch it an upload to the S3 location plus be able to isolate our cients to see only directories based on the their client id. Is it possible?
My preference is to not have the images land on our servers. They need to go directoly to the S3
I was able to do this using the FCKeditor v2.5.1
Re: Change Location of CKFinder upload
We have never tried to connect CKFinder with Amazon S3, so I can give you only some general hints:
- the server connector is located in the core/connector folder (unless you're using the ASP.NET version),
check the documentation to see how it works. You can change the server connector from the default one, that operates on the local file system, to any other custom implementation (e.g. that stores files in the database, on a FTP account etc.)
- "isolate our cients to see only directories based on the their client id" - it's doable, simply use the client id when constructing baseUrl & baseDir variables
- " intercept the location of the thumbnails preview" - the location of thumbnails is defined in the configuration file (Thumbnails.url & Thumbnails.directory)
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
Follow CKEditor on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+
Re: Change Location of CKFinder upload
check the documentation to see how it works. You can change the server connector from the default one, that operates on the local file system, to any other custom implementation (e.g. that stores files in the database, on a FTP account etc.)
I am using ASP.NET can explain what that changes?
- " intercept the location of the thumbnails preview" - the location of thumbnails is defined in the configuration file (Thumbnails.url & Thumbnails.directory)
Thatallows me to chang ethe local directory that the FCFinder looks in I would like to provide the list through code or specify an FTP location.
Thank you
Re: Change Location of CKFinder upload
In case of ASP.NET check the _source folder. It contains the full source code of the server connector (that operates on local file system). You can adopt it to your needs - it will require probably quite a lot of work, but as long as you keep the XML responses the same, CKFinder will work for the end user in exactly the same way.
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
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