I'm using CKfinder and I'm trying to get the file thumbnail url rather than the fileurl does anyone know how exactly to pull this through.
I found this but I can't figure out how to implement it correctly
I tried this
I'm using CKfinder and I'm trying to get the file thumbnail url rather than the fileurl does anyone know how exactly to pull this through.
function BrowseServer() { // You can use the "CKFinder" class to render CKFinder in a page: var finder = new CKFinder(); finder.basePath = '../'; // The path for the installation of CKFinder (default = "/ckfinder/"). finder.selectActionFunction = SetFileField; finder.popup(); //StartupPath = 'Images:/images/'; // It can also be done in a single line, calling the "static" // popup( basePath, width, height, selectFunction ) function: // CKFinder.popup( '../', null, null, SetFileField ) ; // // The "popup" function can also accept an object as the only argument. // CKFinder.popup( { basePath : '../', selectActionFunction : SetFileField } ) ; } // This is a sample function which is called when a file is selected in CKFinder. function SetFileField( fileUrl ) { document.getElementById( 'imagethumb' ).value = fileUrl; document.getElementById('imagedisplay').src = fileUrl; }
I found this but I can't figure out how to implement it correctly
function ShowFileInfo( fileUrl, data ) { alert( 'The selected file URL is "' + fileUrl + '"' ) ; var formatDate = function( date ) { return date.substr(0,4) + "-" + date.substr(4,2) + "-" + date.substr(6,2) + " " + date.substr(8,2) + ":" + date.substr(10,2) ; } alert( 'The selected file URL is: "' + data['fileUrl'] + '"' ) ; alert( 'The size of selected file is: "' + data['fileSize'] + 'KB"' ) ; alert( 'The selected file was last modifed on: "' + formatDate( data['fileDate'] ) + '"' ) ; alert( 'The data passed to the function is: "' + data['selectFunctionData'] + '"' ) ; }
I tried this
function BrowseServer() { // You can use the "CKFinder" class to render CKFinder in a page: var finder = new CKFinder(); finder.basePath = '../'; // The path for the installation of CKFinder (default = "/ckfinder/"). finder.selectActionFunction = SetFileField; //added line finder.SelectThumbnailFunction = ShowFileInfo; finder.popup(); //StartupPath = 'Images:/images/'; }