I'm developer asp.net and i'm using ckfinder aspnet in my project, but this not load in my project... The folder /ckfinder was unziped in my web server ( IIS )...
The error list when my project is compiled:
Could not load type 'CKFinder.Connector.Connector'.
Could not load type 'CKFinder.Settings.ConfigFile'.
Brand unknown server: 'CKFinder: Config'
I'm developer asp.net and i'm using ckfinder aspnet in my project, but this not load in my project... The folder /ckfinder was unziped in my web server ( IIS )...
The error list when my project is compiled:
Could not load type 'CKFinder.Connector.Connector'.
Could not load type 'CKFinder.Settings.ConfigFile'.
Brand unknown server: 'CKFinder: Config'
Re: CKfinder can't load in my test project
Create a reference to the CKFinder.dll file in your project by using one of the methods described below:
- manually copy the CKFinder.dll file (it is located in the ckfinder/bin/Release directory) to the bin directory of your website,
- or in your Visual Studio.NET project, right-click References in the Solution Explorer section, use Browse to select the CKFinder.dll file from the directory you have saved it in.
Just as explained in the documentation.
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
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