Ok so right now I have a working install of FCKeditor and CKfinder under Drupal 6.14. My setup is like this:
Drupal 6.14
Fckeditor module 1.4
fckeditor 2.6.5
ckfinder 1.4
So far everything works great, and I have to say that I'm very pleased with the performance and capabilities of the little Ckfinder plugin, but now I want to take it a step further.
What I want to do is to enable CKfinder to work in a multisite setup with multiple users who will have their own directory where they can place their own files, make their own directories and so on. By multisite setup I refer to running several different domains off the same codebase/same installation of Drupal.
My solution to this problem would be something like this:
First for the sake of simplicity lets assume that I wish to keep ALL user files in the /sites/default/files/ directory within the Drupal installation. Further lets also assume that I want to use 2 different domains each with one unique user: http://www.mydomain.com and http://www.yourdomain.com and the the users "me" and "You".
So in our Drupal instalation we'd have a directory structure that looks like this:
Now I have considered many solution, but I'll start of with what I think would be he simplest. It seems like setting the $baseUrl variable in the config.php overrides the path set in the Drupal FCKeditor module under administer>site configuration>FCKeditor>---choose some profile--->file browser settings
The line in question is underneath the ckfinder directory in the config.php file. Right now it looks like this:
$baseUrl = '/sites/default/files/';
How would I go about making CKfinder honour the FCKeditor path?
Thu, 09/24/2009 - 19:46
Re: CKfinder + Drupal + Multisite setup + Multiuser
You can reuse it in CKFinder in config.php.
There are two variables that can be used as $baseUrl and $baseDir: $fck_user_files_path and $fck_user_files_absolute_path.
Note that the algorithm that is used there to find the bootstrap.inc file may fail, check if it works as expected and if not, then simply set the $drupal_path variable to the right path and $bootstrap_file_found to true.
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
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Re: CKfinder + Drupal + Multisite setup + Multiuser