I saw that others had this problem as well, but the threads were old. When I try to upload certain BMP images, it reports that the file size is too big, even though I can upload bigger images without any problems. Why is this?
Image file is 4.67 MB, dimensions are 2179x2247, 256 colors (7 used).
CKFinder version 2.2.2, Init response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Connector resourceType="Images"><Error number="0" /><ConnectorInfo enabled="true" imgWidth="3840" imgHeight="2160" s="" c="" thumbsEnabled="true" uploadCheckImages="false" thumbsUrl="/Content/_thumbs/" thumbsDirectAccess="false" /><ResourceTypes><ResourceType name="Images" url="/Content/images/" maxSize="10485760" allowedExtensions="bmp,gif,jpeg,jpg,png,tif,tiff,svg" deniedExtensions="" hash="cb2fc25198cf816e" hasChildren="true" acl="255" /></ResourceTypes><PluginsInfo /></Connector>
It could be a server
It could be a server limitation, like a memory limit. Or any number of things. If you have a valid support token, please contact our support.
Customer and Community Manager, CKSource
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