Hello everyone.
I have a problem with CKEditor manager, when trying to upload a file with a size more than 15mb.
I get this error:
<TITLE> 500 Internal Server Error </ TITLE>
<H1> Internal Server Error </ H1>
The Server Encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request. <P>
Please contact the server administrator to inform of the time the error occurred
How can I fix this? what I´m doing is uploading the file in several parts. But what we want to do is upload it all together, in just one part.
I have the following settings on the server:
file_uploads = 1
upload_max_filesize = 128M
max_execution_time = 60
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 128M
post_max_size = 64M
Check the error logs on your
Check the error logs on your server. Might be mod_security issue.
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
Follow CKEditor on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+
upload issue
Thank you Wiktor. Could the upload issue be a limitation in the demo version as well? I'm having the same issue, but I recently migrated our app to a different server. I'm hoping to get that straightened out in the next week or so, but in the meantime this seems to be the only issue we've had since migration. We are using Windows server environment, and the logs haven't given me any other clue into the reason for this issue.
Thank you!
Lisa N
The demo version does not
The demo version does not have any restrictions regarding the size of uploaded files. If uploads stopped working after migration then it is either a folder permission issue or server side misconfiguration.
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
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