We are upgrading a site from the old fckeditor to new ckeditor and ckfinder
We have got everything working - but we are having problems with the file structure display in CKFinder.
Folder Structure :
All that appears in the left-hand pane in CKFinder is :
no FILES folder, FLASH folder or anything else, and no subfolders at all.
If you select imgFolder2 you can see the FILES in there, but no subfolders.
If you then close the CKFinder and click BROWSE SERVER again to re-open it, it opens with imgFolder2 selected and you CAN see the subfolders within imgFolder2 (only)
if you select imgFolder4 and close and re-open again, you then can't see imgFolder2's subfolders any more but CAN see imgFoler4's.
Still no FILES or FLASH folder though, and really odd behaviour for subfolders in Images. We can't expect our clients to keep closing the window whenever they want to change folder.
It seems that it will only show subfolders for the folder that it's launched in or was last viewed.
I have changed the Images ResourceType declaration from 'Images' to 'Image' for all paths, and made similar changes to the File and Flash folders, but it has only worked for the Images folder.
I've run Fiddler and when launched the call to :
shows XML with all of the correct folders having , for example , <Folder name="imgFolder4" hasChildren="true" acl="255"/>
but it doesn't SHOW any of the child folders.
Any ideas?