CK Finder + Undefined Index Error Message
Having challenges with being able to load photos on our site - the photos are stored on the site database, however when trying to navigate within the page to browse the server to upload the photo, the following error message appears....
Notice: Undefined index: key in /home2/arbormas/public_html/cms/EditPage.php on line 18
Our programmer also mentions to ask specifically about CKFinder not getting a valid index key from CKEditor.
I have time today to post whereas he is at his other FT job and I am trying to be helpful - any insights would be MUCH appreciated.
Thank you!!
If there is more specific information you need, please let me know - I tried to include a bunch of screen shots so you could see the actual paths/problems, however don't think I can include that in here
Tue, 04/19/2011 - 21:50
Re: CK Finder + Undefined Index Error Message
definitely does not come from CKFinder.
CKEditor does not pass any index key to CKFinder, could you explain exactly what error do you have?
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource -
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