I was working on a tool that made use of the new multiple selection feature of CKFinder when I noticed a strange behavior when selecting muliple images using the CTRL key. Let's say five images are selected by holding down CTRL : 1 2 3 4 5
Then the user presses the ENTER key to confirm the selection and trigger the "selectActionFunction"
The "allFiles" object array returned actually appears to contain the following : 1 2 3 4 5 5
The final image in the list is duplicated.
I have observed this in the lastest versions of Firefox and Chrome, on multiple Windows 7 machines. This does not happen when holding down the SHIFT key, nor when selecting only one image. I was not able to duplicate this issue using the CKFinder Demo Site due to the way that instance currently handles the "select" action, however I was indeed able to replicate it using the /ckfinder/_samples/standalone.html examples across multiple sites and servers where I was working.
Attached are screenshots to demonstrate the issue, as well as console.log() output of "allFiles".