This plugin adds lightbox plus support to your image dialog. You have to upload 2 images. The normal image that you insert in your page with image dialog and a second one for the lightbox. The second image must have same name like the normal image and must stored in a subfolder named .box
Correct translation is needed!
Licensed under the terms of the GPL.
1. Extract the archiv.
2. Copy the "lightbox" pluginfolder to CKEditors "plugins" folder.
3. Copy the "lightbox" rootfolder to a folder of your choice. (Sorry, same names)
4. In the CKEditor configuration file (config.js) add the following code:
config.extraPlugins = 'lightbox';
Re: Lightbox plus for CKEditor
If you mind for translation to French, here is mine:
title : 'Lightbox',
imgzoom : 'Agrandir l\'image',
browse : 'Parcourir les images',
boxnum : 'Numéro de boîte',
mustint : 'Le champ "Numéro de boîte" doit comporter un nombre entier!'
Re: Lightbox plus for CKEditor
as I'm hardly looking for a solution to integrate Lightbox to CKEditor I stumbled across this script which also works for Lightbox.
But what is missing is to set the title which should look like this:
So is anybody able to modify this plugin that the title is inserted?
Thanks so far!
Re: Lightbox plus for CKEditor
What does this mean? Example?
Dutch translation (nl):
Re: Lightbox plus for CKEditor
Thanks for translations
I changed title to alt, because 'alternative text' is in front of the dialog window.
You can use every script that can handle rel=lightbox and rel=lightbox(+number)
Re: Lightbox plus for CKEditor
After going through all steps of installation the plugin does show up but appears to be disabled, all checkboxes are grey. Is there something wrong? Furthermore CKFinder does not allow creating subfolders named ".box"
Re: Lightbox plus for CKEditor
thanks for the free great plugin
Re: Lightbox plus for CKEditor
I've modified it to be able to populate the "Title" field. In addition, when adding images, the link address will be populated with the same image filename, therefore, instead of the .box folder requirement, you can simply browse your server to select the large image to display.
In summary, this update to the plugin works like this:
1. Select an image thumbnail
2. Check all the boxes for lightbox
3. Enter "alt " information
4. Select URL link image for the large image to display in lightbox (Note: the field will be populated with the original thumbnail from step number 1 above)
5. Enter Advanced Advisory Title to give you the "title" field, an important requirement for search engine indexing of images on your website.
I hope this helps others who are looking for a lightbox option for CKEditor. Thank you again for this plugin!
ckeditor 3.6.4 don't work with lightbox
I could not in
Please, Can you give us a link
does not work when you click
does not work when you click on the "image" in the editor, the page becomes active (turns gray): (
CKEditor 4.0.2 (revision 5339059)
install problems (ckeditor get simple cms)
i have some problems to install this addon into the installed CKEditor (get simple CMS) Version.
The installation are like this path´s:
in which structure i must add the lightbox plus addon?
I don´t understand who i must add the plugin codes / paths / ckeditor.js shows like crypted :-(
Hope anyone can help me with the installation of the plugins.
Thanks in advance.
best regards,
install problems (lightbox plugin)
I having confusion in installing lightbox as explained below:
I have copied the "lightbox" pluginfolder to CKEditors "plugins" folder and in the CKEditor configuration file (config.js) I've added the code: config.extraPlugins = 'lightbox'; under CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { }
I have set lightbox_plus.js script to the header of your page. BUT I am stuck at this point (Copy the "lightbox" rootfolder to a folder of your choice AND for using lightbox plus open lightbox_plus.js and set the path to lightbox folder to LightboxPlus_rootpath.) rightnow I've copied this to my website root directory and I don't know what should I assign to LightboxPlus_rootpath.
Please Help!