Hey all, about to release my first plugin here soon after a few adjustments.
I call it Iconz. For use with Font Awesome to add their icons into the editor.
Requires a few settings in your config:
config.iconz = { iconz_stylesheet: 'http://www.url/to/css/font-awesome.css', iconz_label: 'fa' };
iconz_stylesheet = location of the css file. Required to show the icons in the dialog.
Also assuming you would have:
CKEDITOR.replace('editor', { contentsCss: 'css/style.css', }); OR CKEDITOR.replace('editor', { contentsCss: ['css/style.css','css/font-awesome.css'] });
So the icons are displayed in the actual editor.
Whats iconz_label?
I added this value because there is Font Awesome 'fa fa-home', and another 'icon icon-home' floating around. Or, what I myself use. So iconz_label would be either 'fa' or 'icon'.
In the screen shot you will see I added the different sizes, rotations ect.. You will also notice a few icons duplicated in the screenshot, those have the '-spin' so they spin. No spin in the options as those are the best ones to use. But can add it.
I just need to resolve one issue.
One I have been fighting with along with my BR with classes issue.
config.protectedSource.push( /<i class[\s\S]*?\>/g ); config.protectedSource.push( /<\/i>/g );
Prevents the icons from dissappearing when you switch back and forth from source view. But the icons never show in the editor.
CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty['i'] = false;
Only helps to show the icon. But alone and not the above code, switching from source to real view, code dissappears.
So it is either, able to view the code, but dissappears. or not view the code and keep the code.
That make sense? So holding off until I get that resolved. Unless anyone has feedback on it? And get as many language files done as I can. Not much lang as is.
I will not be able to respond until Tuesday to any comments or suggestions.
Thank You and thanks to the wonderful CKEditor team for creating this marvelous tool!
Hey, have you made any
Hey, have you made any progress on this? We're excited to check it out. Thanks,
I'm also curious if you've
I'm also curious if you've made any progress on this. At the very least is there a github project or such for this? (Or any other place we could grab the source and contribute back to it?)
We'd be interested in this plugin as would many others
Hi SRebelo, how have you been getting on with this plugin? We are holding back in the hope that you can release something soon.
We'll be happy to contribute if you need any help
switching from source to real view, code dissappears
I'm working on "the same" plugin too, but unfortunately i'm just beginning with it...
Your issue can be solved by adding a space character, non breaking or not inside of the <i> tag.
In case anyone is looking for
In case anyone is looking for this (or a similar plugin), it exists in the official repo: http://ckeditor.com/addon/fontawesome.