This plugin is not ready to use, you have to expand your filebrowser.
This plugin adds two new tabs to the flash dialog. One for FLV if you load a *.flv and one for MP3 if you load a *.mp3 file from your filebrowser. That the plugin works your filebrowser has to set "playerpath/player/flvplayer.swf?flv=/path/to/your/file/movie.flv" for FLVs or "playerpath/player/mp3player.swf?mp3=/path/to/your/file/music.mp3" for MP3s to dialogs URL field.
To test the plugin you can load a FLV file to flash dialog and copy "playerpath/player/flvplayer.swf?flv=" before the URL.
Known bug: You can not use the fullscreen feature of FLV-player. That's a bug of CKEditor. It is not possible to set allowFullScreen to true for swf files.
The plugin uses the players from neolao:
Correct translation is needed!
Licensed under the terms of the GPL.
1. Extract the archiv.
2. Copy the "flashplayer" folder to CKEditors "plugins" folder.
3. Copy the "player" folder to a folder of your choice.
4. Open the file "/flashplayer/config.js". Make the settings for "mediapath", means the rootpath were your *.flv and *.mp3 files are located. "playerpath" means the path were you have placed the "player" folder.
5. Open the file "/flashplayer/swfsize.php" and set your server rootpath to $server_path.
6. In the CKEditor configuration file (config.js) add the following code:
config.extraPlugins = 'flashplayer';