I was wondering if there exists a plugin whereas a user can click a button, pick a color and then have that color reflected as the document background color for the editor (think of a body tag with the background-color style set for the document). I've already looked at the document properties plugin with the config.fullPage = true option set, but it seems that plugin grabs its data out of the parent page the editor resides in, as opposed to the editor frame.
It seems straight forward, but I can't find a solution anywhere and I'm not sure how I would go about making a custom plugin to handle this behaviour.... I'm just looking for the functionality to allow the user to set the body tag background color...
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance,
Do you have created your plugin ?
I'm very interested
You can do it in full page mode
If you add the document properties plugin and then use full page mode in ckeditor you can edit all sorts of document properties like the page title, background color, meta tags, etc.