I am newly involved in a company which has a simple 5 page website using FCKEditor. Unfortunately the company who set it up has gone into liquidation and so I can't contact them for help. It works great and suits our needs so would like to keep it as is except we would like to add google analytics to it.
I cannot find how to access the source code of the whole page so I can paste the code snippet. (I can access source code of text I enter but that is all).
Is this possible?
I'm not exactly sure that
I'm not exactly sure that what you want to achieve has anything to do with CKEditor (or FCKeditor, for that matter). Do you want to add the Google Analytics snippet to your website code? If so, you should probably just paste it to the source code of your web pages that should be located somewhere on your server...
Documentation Manager, CKSource
See CKEditor 5 docs, CKEditor 4 docs, CKEditor 3 docs, CKFinder 3 docs, CKFinder 2 docs for help.
Visit the new CKEditor SDK for samples showcasing editor features to try out and download!