In any mozilla browser, rc3 fails to load if place inside a div or td tag that is hidden using (style="display: none")
I have a demo if this error here:
FCK - Thanks for all your hard work!!!
As soon as rc3 becomes full production, I plan on releasing an open source enterprise level CMS system done in ColdFusion. I've been workin on this project for about 2 years behind closed doors.
Mon, 09/12/2005 - 15:25
RE: rc3 loading error inside a hidden div
RE: rc3 loading error inside a hidden div
For me this is a big problem...
RE: rc3 loading error inside a hidden div
failing to load editor within a div. works in ie but toolbars are collapsed and doesn't work at all in Firefox/Mozilla. any help much appreciated.
thanks in advance
RE: rc3 loading error inside a hidden div
Heh. Everyone loves that comment, neh?
Really tho, I've had no problems with hidden divs and firefox (i'm gunning XP and FF1.0.4 (evil JS oh my;-)).
I didn't even have to use the method described in 004.html of the _testcases folder.
Have y'all tried it in a very simple page just with a hidden div and that's it?
I've got two that switch when a <span> is clicked on, and they work MARVELOUSLY.
You ARE naming them different names, right?
What are you using? JS or ASP or PHP or what?
I'm using Coldfusion to instanciate and it's doing multiples fine.
Better is to use one and switch the content around, I thing, but at any rate hiding/unhiding it runs no problems for me. No js errors, nada.
Mine are like this:
[fck_sop() is a wrapper for the instance. Just passes the instance name, and instance content.]
<span onClick="javascript:document.getElementById('FCKprocedure').style.visibility='hidden';document.getElementById('FCKgenInfo').style.visibility='';">General Info</span>
<span onClick="javascript:document.getElementById('FCKgenInfo').style.visibility='hidden';document.getElementById('FCKprocedure').style.visibility='';">Procedure</span><br>
<div id="FCKgenInfo" style="position:absolute; top:100">
<div id="FCKprocedure" style="visibility:hidden; top:100">
RE: rc3 loading error inside a hidden div
It works because you are using visibitily, which is not useful in some case. Try display:hidden instead. You will see the different.
RE: rc3 loading error inside a hidden div
RE: rc3 loading error inside a hidden div
i did a variation of what you want for an online email composing and sending tool.
in the page where the user can create the message, i have two textareas, one for the html, and one for the txt version of the email. Each has a javascript showhide behavior. When the html version is displayed, i just show the textarea, and a link to launch the FCKeditor in a fullscreen popup. After the user is done making the html, he clicks on a save button which closes the popup page and send the composed html back to the html textarea on the main page. this allows to have a nice page for using the FCKeditor (fullscreen), and avoid having conflicting javascript.
here is my code:
(customize it to your needs)
on the main page:
<form name="emailform" id="emailform" method="post" action="">
<h4 name="emailmessage">3. email message </h4>
<a href="#emailmessage" onclick="show('html_input'); hide('txt_input')" class="button" >html version</a>
<a href="#emailmessage" onclick="show('txt_input'); hide('html_input')" class="button">text version</a>
<div id="html_input">
<a href="<?= $adminRootPath.$mailinglist['folder'] ?>/richtexteditor.php" class="button" onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','winx','winy','yes');return false;">Use Rich Text Editor (pops up fullscreen)</a>