This is not another request, it's an offer for you to get a working plugin
You can find it in the plugins repository ( ... tid=737639) the download and demo is available at
it uses the SWFObject 2 (you need to download it by yourself) code so the flash movies are generated from a script and your pages will validate and poor IE users won't see the click to activate (Opera users also suffer the same problem, but at least they use a better browser and they also will be happier if you use this plugin)
Fri, 10/10/2008 - 22:09
Re: plugin to use SWFObject instead of embeds
On another note I like to use the IMCE browser module instead of the default one. Do you see any issues with this?
Re: plugin to use SWFObject instead of embeds
I don't know anything about drupal, but as long as you can use javascript in your page you should be able to use the code generated by the plugin
Re: plugin to use SWFObject instead of embeds
Re: plugin to use SWFObject instead of embeds
I have the same problem trying to install the plugin. I have followed the instructions from the author's page. I have tried to put, in the fckeditor.js "FCKConfig.swfObjectPath = FCKConfig.BasePath + '/plugins/swfobject/src/swfobject.js' ;"and FCKConfig.swfObjectPath = '/scripts/swfobject.js' ; but neither of two works. What am i doing wrong?
Ok, I didn't download the plugin. Where can I find it? I have searched around the sourceforge repository and i didn't find anything.
Re: plugin to use SWFObject instead of embeds
There might be a newer release even easier to install, but currently I'm quite busy.
Re: plugin to use SWFObject instead of embeds
So, in fckconfig.js, which path should I put? the one you say in your page or the one I used, with FCKEditor.BasePath in it?
P.D. I have another problem now, I don't know is related with the problem of installation.
The javascript generated by swfobject dissapears when I save. Also, if i add the code
it dissapears too.
I don't know what I' m doing wrong.
Thanks for your patience.
Re: plugin to use SWFObject instead of embeds
If saving the code makes some parts of it dissapear, then you should look at your server configuration and your server script. That's not related to this plugin.
Re: plugin to use SWFObject instead of embeds
Thank you very much, the problem was the pattern used by the portal for stripping Cross Site Scripting attacks.
Re: plugin to use SWFObject instead of embeds
i have same problem to with fckedtior 2.6.3 (for drupal 1.3-rc5) and drupal 6.6, it show me
Re: plugin to use SWFObject instead of embeds
I hope that you don't expect me to install Drupal in order to try to reproduce your problems.