I am a newbee. I some how made a plugin of Drag Math (developed by Alex Billingsley and Chris Sangwin).
its working fine but when i render it to fckeditor. it is showing in ascii format. means it is not showing the image.
for example : <p><img src='http://www.sitmo.com/gg/latex/latex2png.2.php?z=100&eq= \sqrt[a]{a} ' border='0'/></p> is actually saved as : <p>"<p><img src='http://www.sitmo.com/gg/latex/latex2png.2.php?z=\sqrt[a]{a} ' border='0'/></p>"</p>
kindly go through below script
<script language="javascript">
var variable = null;
var FCK = window.opener.FCK;
function ok() {
var ans = document.DragMath.getMathExpression();
if(ans != null) {
var B = FCK.EditorDocument.selection.createRange(); //only works in IE
B.text = "<p><img src='http://www.sitmo.com/gg/latex/latex2png.2.php?z=100&eq="+ans+"' border='0'/></p>";
<link href="../../../../style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center"><applet width="540" height="333" archive="Project.jar,AbsoluteLayout.jar,swing-layout-1.0.jar,jdom.jar,jep.jar" code="Display.MainApplet.class" codebase="applet/classes" name="DragMath"><param value="en" name="language" />To use this page you need a Java-enabled browser. Download the latest Java plug-in from <a href="http://www.java.com/">Java.com</a></applet></td>
<td align="center"><input type="button" value="Render Formula" class="textbox" onClick="variable='this is a test'; ok();"></td>
Mon, 03/31/2008 - 15:07
Re: how to insert html content via plugin
FCK.InsertHtml("<img src='http://www.sitmo.com/gg/latex/latex2png.2.php?z=100&eq="+ans+"' border='0'/>");
Re: how to insert html content via plugin