My application creates folders for every user and a support directory under the same to store user file uploads.
How will i be able to setup the upload path to the current user who logged in?
Ex. If user1 is logged in then the path should be /user1/uploads and so on...
Appreciate your help / support in this regard.
My application creates folders for every user and a support directory under the same to store user file uploads.
How will i be able to setup the upload path to the current user who logged in?
Ex. If user1 is logged in then the path should be /user1/uploads and so on...
Appreciate your help / support in this regard.
Re: how to configure, upload path to current logged user directo
hi sir I work with fckeditor in asp.net
I have same problem like you but i solve it
i creat userfiles folder and creat folder for every user with name user
i creat a session["file"]="userfolder"; in page load
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["file"] = "/hosein/"; //you must get the folder user and save in session
FCKeditor1.Visible = true;
then i use this session in (\fckeditor\editor\filemanager\connectors\aspx)\config.ascx in config .ascx
befor i craate userfiles in root host
public override void SetConfig()
string file2 = Session["file1"].ToString();
// SECURITY: You must explicitly enable this "connector". (Set it to "true").
Enabled = CheckAuthentication();
// URL path to user files.
UserFilesPath = "~/UserFiles"+ file2 ;
u can upload image in current user with this solution
if you have problem cantact with me hoseinfomesh@gmail.com
have a nice day