In chrome 2beta, image tags was parsed incorrectly. for example:
<img src="xxx.jpg">
was parsed into
<img src="/ _fcksavedurl=" userfiles="" image="" alt="" />
the whole content is
It's ok in other browser (ie/firefox/opera/safari, all the newest version).
does anyone test fckeditor in chrome 1.x ?
<img src="xxx.jpg">
was parsed into
<img src="/ _fcksavedurl=" userfiles="" image="" alt="" />
the whole content is
<p> 日前,市港航管理局检查组莅临我区,检查 “东平水道争创国家级文明样板航道”活动开展情况。<br /> <img alt="" src="/userfiles/1/image/diekiss2.png" /></p>
It's ok in other browser (ie/firefox/opera/safari, all the newest version).
does anyone test fckeditor in chrome 1.x ?
Re: fckeditor bug with google chrome 2beta
I just wanted to note this bug (Chrome, but then i saw your thread.
Like you said, editor can be used, but when user click's on "Code" button and goes back to wysiwyg way of editing, every picture is lost.
Example of emoticon 'transformation':
<p><img alt="" src="h _fcksavedurl=""" fckeditor="" editor="" images="" smiley="" msn="" /></p>
Hope to see some fix soon!
Re: fckeditor bug with google chrome 2beta
I can confirm that bug.
Here is another report:
Re: fckeditor bug with google chrome 2beta
I have reported this issue here:
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource -
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