Has anyone tried the config.BaseHref feature with Coldfusion in version 2.4.3? I am not having any luck getting this to work and I would like to know if it's an issue with my code. For example:
I set config.BaseHref = "http://myDevServer/mySiteRoot/" in the fckconfig.js file.
Images get displayed in the editor with an src of /useruploads/Image/imagename.extension, which is what I am expecting. Then I am assuming from what I read that when config.BaseHref is set to a url, it is suppose to act like the html base tag, therefore the image should be interpreted as http://myDevServer/mySiteRoot/useruploa ... .extension inside the editor. I know this should not change the image src in the editor's source to the absolute url.
Coldfusion version: 7
IIS version: 5.1
Fri, 08/24/2007 - 17:23
Re: config.BaseHref not working with Coldfusion
if the url of the image is /useruploads/Image/imagename.extension, then it will be loaded from http://myDevServ/useruploads/Image/imagename.extension
to use the BaseHref that way, the url of the image should be "useruploads/Image/imagename.extension" without the initial slash
Re: config.BaseHref not working with Coldfusion
Thanks a bunch, that fixed my issue. I was previously trying to add/remove the slash from the config.BaseHref setting to test the issue. It must be that the slash is automatically appended to the BaseHref value. I think that this needs addressed in the developers guide as it is misleading:
This example may work being that the BaseHref is a domain name only, however when you set BaseHref to a domain name plus sub directories, one needs to remove the slash from the image src for it to work accurately.