We're working on an online chat application and would like to integrate with the editor so users can compose messages. Our application requires that when a user presses Enter we send out the message from the editor. Currently FCKEditor treats Enter to insert <br>. So my questions are:
1. Is it possible to change the logic so Enter would call some callback?
2. Is it possible to change the logic so Ctrl + Enter would do what Enter does today (insert <br>) ?
We're working on an online chat application and would like to integrate with the editor so users can compose messages. Our application requires that when a user presses Enter we send out the message from the editor. Currently FCKEditor treats Enter to insert <br>. So my questions are:
1. Is it possible to change the logic so Enter would call some callback?
2. Is it possible to change the logic so Ctrl + Enter would do what Enter does today (insert <br>) ?
RE: changing behavior for the Enter key
If you put the following into a blank "fckplugin.js" and put that in a folder named say "fckonkeydown" in your plugin directory and then put FCKConfig.Plugins.Add('fckonkeydown') ; in your fckconfig.js, it should show you what's possible. It basically captures or intercepts the onkeydown event within the editor.
I'm not sure if it's kosher or not but it seems to work...
This code is "rough around the edges"...
usual caveats apply...
-ps I added a ContentMaxLength plugin to the plugin tracker which utilizes the same stuff, so it updates on every keypress in IE.
/* fckplugin.js */
function FCKOnKeyDownFunction(){
alert('Hello Enter Key!');
function DocD_OnKeyDown()
var e = FCK.EditorWindow.event ;
var alreadyRun = false;
// alert(e.keyCode);
switch ( e.keyCode )
case 13 : // ENTER
if ( !(e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey) )
e.cancelBubble = true ;
e.returnValue = false;
if (alreadyRun == false) {
alreadyRun = true
return true;
else {
return true;
break ;
return true ;
var woot = function(e) {
var alreadyRun = false;
// checks if enter key alone was pressed, and if so, say hello!
if (e.which == 13 && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) {
if (alreadyRun == false) {
alreadyRun = true
return false;
if (document.all) { // If Internet Explorer.
FCK.EditorDocument.attachEvent("onkeydown", DocD_OnKeyDown ) ;
} else { // If Gecko.
FCK.EditorDocument.addEventListener( 'keypress', woot, true ) ;
RE: changing behavior for the Enter key
RE: changing behavior for the Enter key
Sounds like a wonderful idea. Where would it go? I'm happy to add it, if I have the power...
Happy almost-birthday Jesus!
RE: changing behavior for the Enter key
How about: http://wiki.fckeditor.net/ )
Ah thanks )
RE: changing behavior for the Enter key
Ha ha.
I know where the wiki is (although from my lack of contribution I could see why you'd remind me .
My question was more of where on the wiki should I add it?
I was thinking under "Customization" and mabe adding "Code Snippits" or "Example Code" or some such. What do you think? Anyone? I'm open to suggestions. Really open.
Hehe. And most people have trouble with that whole concept. Grok on man, grok on... )
RE: changing behavior for the Enter key
so what about "How to" section?
Do you mean this "grok"?
http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition ... 16,00.html
RE: changing behavior for the Enter key
Error: handleEnterFunction is not defined
Source File: /fckeditor/editor/plugins/fckonkeydown/fckplugin.js
Line: 45
Any idea why my function cannot be resolved?
RE: changing behavior for the Enter key
Also, I left out two lines in the gecko intercepter that stop the onkeydown event from propagating.
That func should read like this:
if (e.which == 13 && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) {
if (alreadyRun == false) {
alreadyRun = true
return false;
I've cleaned up a version of this and renamed it to denonkeydown (in case of name conflicts somewhere down the road) which I will submit as a plugin and add to the wiki at some point in the near future.
Using Content Max length for FCK 2.6
I am getting trouble in implementing Content Max Length plugin with FCK 2.6
it says FCK.EditorDocument is undefined.
I have just added the line " FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'ContentMaxLength' ) ;" in fckconfig.js
other than this, should i do anything?.
and also i am using php class for creating FCK editor not in js.
Please help. its very urgent.
Thanks in Advance,