Well, I converted the HTMLArea spellchecker to work with FCKEditor and it works fine. It needs a bit of UI tweaking.
It would be nice if FCKEditor allowed plugins to put information in the about box so I wouldn't have to offer one in the dialog box itself...
After 2.0 is released, I planned on talking to FredCK to integrate a spell checker into the edtor for 2.1 maybe. What I'd like is to have a third mode -- Source, HTML, and Spell --- where the spell mode block out the buttons like Source mode, but other wise look HTML mode but with mis-spelled words having a red underline like MS Word. Then users could click the word to get a list of suggestions etc., choose one and it would replace the word.
RE: Is any spell checker in the works?
It would be nice if FCKEditor allowed plugins to put information in the about box so I wouldn't have to offer one in the dialog box itself...
After 2.0 is released, I planned on talking to FredCK to integrate a spell checker into the edtor for 2.1 maybe. What I'd like is to have a third mode -- Source, HTML, and Spell --- where the spell mode block out the buttons like Source mode, but other wise look HTML mode but with mis-spelled words having a red underline like MS Word. Then users could click the word to get a list of suggestions etc., choose one and it would replace the word.
RE: Is any spell checker in the works?
Or: what spell-checker is it using? it's own, or some third-party one? Handles HTML/javascript good?
Someone could always complete my spellerpages mod plugin.... it was kinda working, just not very reliably....
Man. SF could put a spell checker... wonder if there's a firefox plugin like that one for IE....