I'm having trouble getting the spanish version of FCKEditor working in my drupal site. I have followed the instructions and installed it properly including the es.po in the following directory: /sites/all/modules/fckeditor/translations/
When I go to the samples page, the jump menu allows me to select Spanish, and then the spanish dialog changes.
http://www.flowers-mangs.net/ceahow/sit ... fault.html Choose multilanguage and php (or any of the others) and spanish displays properly.
However, when I am in editing mode on my site and either edit or create a new page, the FCKEditor displays, the editor dialog is the same as it is in English.
I have done the following:
Installed the es.po in the following directory: /sites/all/modules/fckeditor/translations/
Set permissions for the Spanish Committee Role to acces, administer and upload files with the fckeditor module.
Created a profile Espanol where only Spanish Committee can use this profile.
In Editor Appearance
- Default state is enable
Show Disable/enable rich text editor = true
Use FCK Editor in Popup = false
Skin = default
Toolbar = DrupalFull
Start with tool bar expanded = enabled
Language = es
Auto-detect language = true
Load fckeditor.config.js from theme path = false (there is no fckeditor.config.js in the theme path. I do have one at "sites/all/modules/fckeditor/fckeditor.config.js"
I noticed there was no es.js in any of the plugins foldelrs (drupalbreak, drupalpagebreak,linktomenu, etc. Should there be?