I've got FCKeditor on linux.
I'm trying to delete a directory where I have this.
Previously... I uploaded one or more images.
It won't let me delete the image uploaded.
The image uploaded is named with a period in front, i.e. .image1.jpg.
I would add... that the image uploader I am using is one of the add on ones.
It's the one from http://www.saulmade.nl
I'm scratching my head over this... and can't figure out how to delete.
Can't delete through PHP commands.
Can't delete through FTP.
Can't delete by logging into the terminal.
I'm a bit lost.
Any help would be appreciated.
Sun, 03/02/2008 - 03:50
Re: Trouble deleting images uploaded by FCKeditor.
they had a look and said that the editor was creating the image file as user nobody - this is what was causing the problem.
can someone tell me how i can solve this problem...?
seems to me to be a major problem - you can't allow users to upload images and then not be able to delete??
they did say that images should be deletable from the editor - i.e. the same program that created... regardless: this is still a big problem.
i've deleted everything apart from the images.
i can copy over all files and try deleting using the image manager: but surely i shouldnt HAVE to do this??
Re: Trouble deleting images uploaded by FCKeditor.
Re: Trouble deleting images uploaded by FCKeditor.
Re: Trouble deleting images uploaded by FCKeditor.
woowa woooowa woooooowa

(that's me crying.)
i still have my problem: i can't delete.
Re: Trouble deleting images uploaded by FCKeditor.