We will have an important release next month, by around 15th May. Even if it will probably go out at Beta, because of the amount of core changes on it, it is important to do a "pre-test" over it before releasing.
For this, I'm anticipating the test period to call all you to participate. Just subscribe to our "Testers Mailing List". In this way you will get e-mail notifications about testing activities:
https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/lis ... or-testers
Thanks in advance. I'm sure you will enjoy our next release.
Fri, 05/12/2006 - 07:32
RE: Testers Called
Attention! The SourceForge Forum system didn't create the correct link automatically. So, copy and paste it in you browser, or click in the following short URL:
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
Follow us on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn
RE: Testers Called
First message:
Good news, I'll subscribe right now to test the new changes and avoid last minute surprises.
Second message:
, it seems that this forum really needs to be replaced with another version that doesn't destroy urls and html code.
RE: Testers Called
I know... I need to change the Forums... I still need to work on this... maybe after the next release.
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
Follow us on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn
RE: Testers Called
Will this new core makes it easier to write plugins? Or even allow multiple plugins to listen/link to the same html tags?
Anyway, the number one priority I guess is to enable FCK to support better (X)HTML formated output.
RE: Testers Called
RE: Testers Called
I have also subscribed to the beta testers board.
Concerning the forum: I'd like to recommend <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org">Simple Machines Forum</a>. Coppermine Support uses it as well, and it really works amazingly well. Much better than phpBB.
More importanly...
...is there going to be some more documentation on the horizon. The server side documentation is great, expecially this part:
File Upload Manager
[ Documentation not yet available ]
and this:
[ Documentation not yet available ]
http://fckeditor.wikiwikiweb.de/Develop ... on#Browser