If filename contents space or non ASCII symbols, I can't choose thees files on Filemanager. Actually I can choose them, but images is shown broken.
I solve this problem with some modifying file frmresourcelist.html.
I added the function that escapes non ASCII symbols whith non UTF mode (hexidecimal format):
function hex_escape (str) {
str = escape(str);
str = str.replace(/%u041/g, '%C');
str = str.replace(/%u042/g, '%D');
str = str.replace(/%u043/g, '%E');
str = str.replace(/%u044/g, '%F');
str = str.replace(/%u0401/g, '%A8');
str = str.replace(/%u0451/g, '%B8');
str = str.replace(/\+/g, '%20');
return str;
This function works whith Russian language.
And I edited the function GetFoldersAndFilesCallBack()
Line 137:
oListManager.AddFile( sFileName, hex_escape(sCurrentFolderUrl + sFileName), sFileSize ) ;
Is there more elegant solve of this problem?
PS Sorry for my English. It's not my native language.
I solve this problem with some modifying file frmresourcelist.html.
I added the function that escapes non ASCII symbols whith non UTF mode (hexidecimal format):
function hex_escape (str) {
str = escape(str);
str = str.replace(/%u041/g, '%C');
str = str.replace(/%u042/g, '%D');
str = str.replace(/%u043/g, '%E');
str = str.replace(/%u044/g, '%F');
str = str.replace(/%u0401/g, '%A8');
str = str.replace(/%u0451/g, '%B8');
str = str.replace(/\+/g, '%20');
return str;
This function works whith Russian language.
And I edited the function GetFoldersAndFilesCallBack()
Line 137:
oListManager.AddFile( sFileName, hex_escape(sCurrentFolderUrl + sFileName), sFileSize ) ;
Is there more elegant solve of this problem?
PS Sorry for my English. It's not my native language.