Im just trying to edit a page by passing html to FCK from a recordset (PHP).
Whatever I do fails if there are quotes in the html. This must be a real simple one either a php function or something to do with adding quotes to the line below but everythig ive tried has failed any help greatfully recieved.
(my last failed attempt below)
$oFCKeditor->Value = "'" . $row_rspages_pag['detail_pag'] . "'";
Sat, 09/24/2005 - 08:27
RE: Someone take pity!
$oFCKeditor->Value = addslashes($row_rspages_pag['detail_pag']);
RE: Someone take pity!
unfortunately this dosent seem to work ( I know it should)
this is the line im using
$oFCKeditor->Value = addslashes($row_rspages_pag['detail_pag']);
this is the database value
<img src=" ... _smile.gif" alt="" />
this what i get in the editor
ive checked and addslashes is working
pulling my hair out now..
Ok - ive taken pity on myself ;-)
$content = stripslashes($row_rspages_pag['detail_pag']);
$oFCKeditor->Value = "$content";