Hey, I'm a Chinese user, and I am really greatly amazed by fckeditor's powerful functions.
Just as what the title is, in the file "editor\filemanager\connectors\php\config.php",the comments goes like:
To achieve that, simply change $Config['QuickUploadPath']['Image'] = $Config['UserFilesPath'] ; $Config['QuickUploadAbsolutePath']['Image'] = $Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] ; into: $Config['QuickUploadPath']['Image'] = $Config['FileTypesPath']['Image'] ; $Config['QuickUploadAbsolutePath'['Image'] = $Config['FileTypesAbsolutePath']['Image'] ;
Re: Should I report a tiny bug here?
You've got a really sharp eye
I've fixed the typo in the trunk and 2.5.x SVN repositories. Thanks for the report.
Re: Should I report a tiny bug here?