Having a challenge getting the Resource browser to work at all using the PHP connector. I have set up fckconfig.js so that
FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Type=Image&Connector=connectors/php/connector.php' ;
However when I open the image browser I don't see anything listed, and get the following error in my httpd log when I try to upload a file.
File does not exist: [...]/includes/editor/filemanager/browser/default/UntitledFrame-1, referer: [...]/includes/editor/filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Type=Image&Connector=connectors/php/connector.php
The script itself doesnt display an error it simlpy hangs on uploading file...
in browser.html I noticed the following and wanted to check that the frmUploadWorker frame src should be called "UntitledFrame-1"?? Doesn't seem likely somehow but perhaps this is just the way it is unnamed in the preview version?
<FRAME name="frmUploadWorker" src="UntitledFrame-1" scrolling="no" frameborder="no">
Also would someone be so kind as to explain how the UserFiles folder "should" be set up to display or allow uploads? I dont see to get any permission errors, yet the images/link browsers don't work at all. If anyone could point me to a previous post or provide a clue as to how UserFiles should be set up I would really appreciate it
Sat, 04/30/2005 - 09:38
RE: Resources / Images / Link browser..
Also look into fbxb connector (you can search the forum for fbxp fer the link) as it has more functions and a nicer test page.
Not sure what your problem is, but the path should be something like fckeditor/editor/etc.. vs. includes/editor/etc...
RE: Resources / Images / Link browser..
It appears to suffer from the same problem as my ongoing attempt at implementation, which is that it seems to silently fail no matter which option I choose.
RE: Resources / Images / Link browser..
RE: Resources / Images / Link browser..
I know how frustrating things can be at times. Sokay.
I can't remember if there is a default or not, but you should edit the line in config.php that says:
$Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/stuff/UserFiles/' ;
(your's won't say /stuff/UserFiles/
Set it to whatever you want. I assume if you use a relative path, it would need to be relative to the connector's directory (connectors/php), but I don't know fer shure.
Try the absolute path first.
Also, you might enjoy the fbxp connector, it adds quite a bit as far as the php goes. And it's test page is fabulous. However you spell fabulous.
Eh. Good Luck, my the force be wit 'cha, etc., etc....
RE: Resources / Images / Link browser..
This is what I did to get it to work on my server (unix).
In fckconfig.js.... FCKConfig.BaseHref = 'http://www.yoursite.com' ;
Then go down the file and uncomment the connector you want to use for imagebrowserURL and filebrowserURL ie. PHP and make sure all the others are commented out.
Then go to FCKpreview\editor\filemanager\browser\default\connectors\php\config.php
and uncomment $Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/userfiles/' ;
Since FCK does not have permission to create a dir called userfiles on webroot YOU have to create it and chmod 777. Now FCK can read/write to this folder and create the image and file folders.
In this case userfiles is located at http://www.yoursite.com/userfiles.
You can adjust the "paths" to suit your needs