I could not find a list of related projects. I found the following in freshmeat but suspect it is very incomplete. Please add to it.
What projects integrate with FCKeditor?
PHPNuke - Haven't tried this combination, but the only documentation I've found is http://nukecops.com/postp98887.html
What projects provide similar functionality?
Revoluution Editor (commercial) - Looks very similar to FCKeditor. http://www.revoluution.com/editor.html
Page Builder(?) (commercial) - http://www.ezsdk.com/uplinkos/login.php
Snippet Master (commercial) - Looks very similar to FCKeditor. http://www.snippetmaster.com/
Walter - In browser GUI editor, fairly basic. http://freshmeat.net/redir/walter/43389 ... eforge.net
Sat, 03/27/2004 - 09:02