Dear Communitiy
I'm looking for a plugin that allows to create and manage Footnotes 1 in FCKeditor.
1: Footnotes for scientific texts
I've found the infopopup-plugin on sourceforge: ... tid=737639 that is similiar to that I need.
I did some workarounds to create the Footnotes so far:
In the textarea it creates a placeholder like <a href"" class="footnote">#FN</a> that is replaced in real text to a logical number. The information for that Footnote ist simple saved in a <div>-Tag (like infopopup-plugin) so we can save html too. In the real text it is shown by mouseover the number (#FN).
In following I need defenitifely help:
- Edit selected Footnote (right-click functionality like link or spellchecker...)
- Management within FCKeditor: Some are pictues, some are Links a.E. to a Wiki-Page, some are quotes. So the user should be able to select the kind of footnote in the dialog box. (thats for reendering the appendix later) An specific id="" should do that.
- The Footnotes should stay ordered: Means, the div output must be regenerated after each Footnote insertion.
Please feel free to contact me and offer your solution.
kind regards
Wed, 01/04/2012 - 10:27