In the sample html file, sample08.html, there is a button that inserts html into the document. I'm trying to add another button that inserts in a place holder into the document. I have correctly modified the code to include the plugin and I can insert the place holder using setHTML(), but I can't get a reference to FCKPlaceHolders in order to call functions on it.
Can anyone show me how to get a reference to FCKPlaceHolders?
*Note: Here's how fck_placeholder.html gets it's reference:
var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCKLang = oEditor.FCKLang ;
var FCKPlaceholders = oEditor.FCKPlaceholders ;
Can anyone show me how to get a reference to FCKPlaceHolders?
*Note: Here's how fck_placeholder.html gets it's reference:
var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCKLang = oEditor.FCKLang ;
var FCKPlaceholders = oEditor.FCKPlaceholders ;
RE: Placeholder plugin scripting reference
Usually I just bang around with more .parent's (window.parent.parent, etc.) or some such.
You may look at some of the sample plug-ins... they could be helpful (find/replace, maybe? hrm.) .
Feel free to look at my 'proof of concepts' plug-ins at
I think maybe the spell check one might have similar refs to what you need... if I get time I'll look through my crap. You should be able to figure this out tho...
Happy Hunting!