Hi, (excuse me for my bad english)
I've search in this forum for an answer to my problem but I've not already found it.
So here is my problem :
When I copy/paste from Word to the FCKeditor, it ask me some stuff (do you want to access ... click yes, yes ...)
Then the dialog window appears and the progress bar start animating without stopping (even if the sentence i've paste contain only 3 words with 1 bold)
Another thing that do not work in this window is the upper close button : in IE7 the javascript error window reports :
line :773 Car : 1 Error : This object do not manage this property or method Code : 0 URL : http://XXX/fckeditor/editor/fckdialog.html
Re: Paste from Word problem
OK, I've found the solution.
The FCKeditor was put in a restrictive autorisation area (auth login + password)
The when I clicked on the Paste from Word button, the dialog window contain 1 (or many frame) which tried to get HTML files (fckdialog.html, fck_paste.html) or images.
The server return for each theses files 401 errors (Unauthorized) , 404 (Not found) or 500 (Server error).
Theses errors came from a wrong or not adapted server configuration.
That's the reason why the dialog window could not display the Paste from Word dialog window.
I've seen theses error thanks to the livehttpheaders Firefox's extension.