I've written my first plugins and submitted them to the plugin area, for anyone who might find them useful. Here's a the description:
"Two little plugins that work together to extend the
functionality or replace the internal Templates
command. Adds the ability to save and recall custom
templates, as well as delete - all from the FCKeditor
main interface. Either plugin can be installed alone to
extend the core functionality, or both may be installed
as a full replacement."
FCKeditor is a real accomplishment, and even though I've complained about the lack of documentation, the more I understand how it's built by living with the code, the more impressed I am, and the more fun I have developing with it. So I thought I'd try to give something back.
Congrats on V2!.
I've written my first plugins and submitted them to the plugin area, for anyone who might find them useful. Here's a the description:
"Two little plugins that work together to extend the
functionality or replace the internal Templates
command. Adds the ability to save and recall custom
templates, as well as delete - all from the FCKeditor
main interface. Either plugin can be installed alone to
extend the core functionality, or both may be installed
as a full replacement."
FCKeditor is a real accomplishment, and even though I've complained about the lack of documentation, the more I understand how it's built by living with the code, the more impressed I am, and the more fun I have developing with it. So I thought I'd try to give something back.
Congrats on V2!.
RE: New Template Manager plugin
Thanks dude.
RE: New Template Manager plugin
where is the plugin area?
I have looked under patches: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_ ... tid=543655 but didnt find it there...
RE: New Template Manager plugin
scroll down - the plugins area is toward the bottom.
error when run Template Manager plugin!
when saving, an popup error dialog :
line 83,char 3;
automation server cant create object..
http://localhost:8080/Fckeditor/editor/ ... ubmit=Save
RE: error when run Template Manager plugin!
also, the plugin uses activeX objects to copy/save files, so your security settings must be configured to allow activeX or to prompt.
It doesn't save the template
Thanks for a great plug-in.
I seem to have some problem getting it to work....
I followed your steps in the readme.txt file. The buttons in the toolbar is working and I load the existing templates that are there but if I try to save/create a template it doesn't do so. I have changed my security settings in IE for all ActiveX setting to either be "prompt" or "enable". It is the same for delete i.e. it doesn't delete the templates.
Any suggestions much appreciated
error when save!
line 72 char 1
object don't surpport method or property
http://localhost:8080/emr/editor/plugin ... ubmit=Save
Re: New Template Manager plugin