Hello there, do you know if there are any membership (subscription) software providers out there (such as Membergate.com, Subhub.com etc) that use FCKeditor within their forums? Perhaps the administrators here will know if any such providers purchased the license to use their product.
In other words I'm planning to purchase/lease a hosted ready-to-use-out-of-the-box solution for subscription management but I would like that solution to have FCKeditor pre-installed there. I'm not a developer so even if I was allowed to make changes- which I'm not- I would not be able to do it myself.
Any information on that will be hugely appreciated.
In other words I'm planning to purchase/lease a hosted ready-to-use-out-of-the-box solution for subscription management but I would like that solution to have FCKeditor pre-installed there. I'm not a developer so even if I was allowed to make changes- which I'm not- I would not be able to do it myself.
Any information on that will be hugely appreciated.