Hello everybody,
I’m planning on removing the “mcpuk” File Browsers folder from the official distribution package of FCKeditor starting from the next version (today we have 2.1.1). We are not able to maintain that files and there are also some licensing issues with it.
It doesn’t means that it will not be available anymore. Its dedicated web site is still available at http://mcpuk.net/fbxp/ and it would be nice to still be maintained. If mcpuk can’t continue its development, maybe someone could get his project and continue it. I suggest contacting mcpuk to discuss it.
Best regards,
Wed, 11/23/2005 - 09:32
RE: Mcpuk File Browser Removal
I fully support FredCK's decision to remove the mcpuk file browser from the next releases primarily due to a number of bugs that have (offically) remained unpatched.
Unfortunately due to time constraints i have been and will be unable to maintain this extension project, so if there is anyone who would like to continue its development please contact me.
I have no intention of removing the existing website for the extension, so as Fred indicated the extensions will still be available from this source.
Kind Regards,
n.b. Nguyen i did respond to your message saying that i would happily include your aspx connector in the extension package.
RE: Mcpuk File Browser Removal
i created an aspx connector for it by modifying your FileBrowserConnector.cs file in the FCKeditor.NET 2.2 distro.. & trying to get Grant to include it in mcpuk distro but still waiting on a response from him... seems like this hasn't been worked on since March?
RE: Mcpuk File Browser Removal
If people wants to include FCKeditor in a GPL software, there could be some issues.
All this must be verified, but the removal would proceed in any case.
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
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